Living and Thriving Gluten Free

Healthy & Whole Food Eating

Categories: Leaders    

This is part of a series on various Leaders in the gluten free community. To see the others, click here.

Dr. Tom O'Bryan is a leader in the field of Celiac Disease, Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and Gluten Intolerance. Dr. O'Bryan is a world renowned expert on why autoimmune disease happens and what it really is.

Tom O'Bryan - a leader in the Celiac and Gut Health Community
Image by: Thora Toft  |  Photo by: Dr. Tom O'Bryan

Dr. O'Bryan brought about "The Gluten Summit - A Grain of Truth," interviewing global experts about gluten and autoimmune diseases. He also released the Summit "Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You," an investigation into the immune system and autoimmunity. This free summit is next scheduled for viewing from July 29 to August 6, 2019. It's well worth signing up and seeing it.

He has spent the majority of his 35+ year career in treating people with autoimmune diseases, and in particular those related to gluten, food sensitivities, environmental toxins, and the development of autoimmune diseases.

He has a deep knowledge of how gluten affects the body, and stays up to date on all the research. He specializes in understanding how and why a number of autoimmune conditions are related, and how to go about stopping and reversing them.

He is absolutely committed to sharing his knowledge both with the general public, and in training health care practitioners. He is an educator at the Institute of Functional Medicine and the National University of Health Sciences, as well as a speaker and lecturer world wide.

He has a real knack for speaking in a way that the general public can understand. This is crucial when you're new to Celiac. Dr. Tom has some goofy analogies that he uses, and they make it so easy to understand.

He has done countless interviews over the years, both as a host, and as a guest. These interviews are a great way for you to get introduced to others in the same field. These interviews are a great way for you to see the connections between conditions, and the far greater impact that things such as gluten can have on you.

Below are a number of places that you can go to to get more info on Dr. O'Bryan. You can watch some of his videos, get access to his book, and even get free access to 2 of the Summit's he's hosted.

TheDr.com Homepage image
Here you'll find information about his book, more information and articles about gluten, a practitioner finder, and much more.
Book by Dr. Tom O'Bryan - The Autoimmune Fix
This great book on autoimmunity is invaluable when you have any of the gluten related issues, and will help you get control of your health. Dr. O'Bryan has a unique talent for translating the science behind autoimmune disease in a way that is easily understood by everyone.
TheDr.com Facebook Page cover image
Dr. O'Bryan has regular live videos that you can participate live in, or watch recorded. He's great about answering questions, and helping people out.
Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You
This summit is focused mainly on gluten related autoimmune conditions, and those that often go hand in hand with Celiac Disease and gluten related disorders. This summit is over and can now be purchased. It is very well worth the time to watch.

Betrayal Summit Summary:

  • How autoimmunity is at the core of most of the chronic health conditions.
  • How becoming educated about the latest information, solutions and treatments can be the turning point in your life and allow you to heal.
  • Why discovering the root causes of your conditions makes a huge difference towards you finally healing.
  • Listen to real patients tell about their successes, and how they reversed their autoimmune diseases and restored their lives.
  • Cutting edge solutionss and revelations from over 85+ experts in the fields of autoimmunity, functional medicine and more.
The Gluten Summit - A Grain of Truth
This summit is a fantastic core learning resource completely focused on gluten and how it affects the human body. This is essential watching for anyone with any problem related to gluten. This free summit is still available, and is well worth signing up to and watching.

Summit Summary:

  • Dr. Tom O’Bryan interviews 29 of the world’s experts and opinion leaders on Gluten Sensitivity.
  • Meet some of the “Godfathers” (Scientists) who have lead the way in discovering and researching the numerous illnesses related to gluten.
  • Learn from the Clinicians who work directly with patients to diagnose them and teach them how to recover their health.
  • Learn invaluable advice from Dietitians and Nutritionists who teach how to eat and feel better.
  • The Gluten Summit is packed with fantastic information. You'll gain the answers on how to determine whether gluten is having an impact on your health, and how you can make the needed lifestyle changes to recover your health!

This summary did not include Dr. O'Bryan's detailed educational and experience background, so you can find out much more about that at these links:

TheDr.com is your resource for Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease - About Dr. O'Bryan

Dr. O'Bryan plays an active role with the IFM, such as teaching other practitioners about Celiac Disease, and other gluten related conditions.
Dr. Axe is a popular face in the world of Functional Medicine, and has included Dr. O'Bryan as one of his top 50 Functional Doctors.
This is one of the eduational teaching tools that Dr. O'Bryan has created, that teaches practioners how to also become powerhouses in diagnosing and treating gluten related health problems.
FREE Guide
10 Steps to Healthy Gluten Free Eating
GF 10 Steps Guide
The 10 Step Guide is packed full of tips, tricks, recipes and regular Member only tips to get you started on the road to living healthy without gluten.
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