August 25, 2018
This is part of a series on various Leaders in the gluten free community. To see the others, click here.
Summer Bock is a Leader in the Autoimmune, Gut Microbiome and Gut Health Community. Summer Bock is a Gut Microbiologist and Master Fermentationist on a mission to help you achieve stellar digestion naturally using fermented foods, herbs, and food.
Image by: Thora Toft | Photo by: Summer Bock Summer is certified in Integrative Nutrition through Columbia University and a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.
She is probably one of the most experienced practitioners you'll ever find that has an extremely deep knowledge of how the gut works. She has spent many years researching and experimenting with fermented foods and natural herbs. She has a very deep understanding of exactly what's required to optimize your gut health to maximize your overall health.
She was the host of the "Better Belly Project," which shared invaluable information on gut health for the average person. It's a fantastic summit for anyone. The tag line for it says it all - Crushing the Critters, Plugging the Leaks, and Balancing the Biome for Your Best Body Ever.
She doesn't just teach how to eliminate problem foods, which is unfortunately how too many people in the Celiac and gluten free community are living their lives.
She has created the "Gut Rebuilding Program" that shows you how to heal yourself from a wide range of ailments, and heal your gut. She's also created an advanced course - "The FermentationistTM Certification Program" - that goes deep into the science behind exactly how ferments work, what their benefits are, and where they're best used and avoided.
She teaches you how to actually heal the gut, so you can get back to eating most healthy regular food. She doesn't market her programs as elimination diets, though she understands what needs to be temporarily removed to allow healing. She also adds in fermented foods, which work to heal the gut and get it to the point of functioning.
This gut healing, when done well, will greatly reduce or completely make many autoimmune conditions go into remission.
She was very sick herself for many years, and this way of using fermented foods, along with her deep understaning of how the gut and digestive system works allowed her to fully recover her health.
She now shares this information passionately with the world through her videos, social media, summits and her programs.
Below are a number of places that you can go to get more info on Summer Bock. You can watch some of her videos, read her articles, get access to the Summit she hosted, and sign up for her invaluable programs.
Information page on the Gut Rebuilding ProgramFree Webinar on Both ProgramsSummary from the Program page:"The Gut Rebuilding Program is an 8 week guided journey into uncovering the exact reasons why your gut is screaming at you in pain AND why you’re suffering with allergies, fatigue, stress, and all the other issues that are dragging you down.""At the end of the 8 weeks, my goal for you is to not only feel like a totally new human and like your gut got a full upgrade, but that you will now be empowered to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy and happy."If you're interested, be sure to sign up for the webinar first, found here, that has a great summary of the program, and you'll get a first hand look at how powerful the program will be.Summary from the website:Comprehensive training to use fermented foods as medicine so you can confidently eat, recommend, and teach about this ancient tradition that supports a healthy belly. Learn which fermented foods to eat and which ones to avoid depending on the health concern you are dealing with.The Better Belly Project - Crushing the Critters, Plugging the Leaks, and Balancing the Biome for Your Best Body EverSummer Bock was the host of The Better Belly Project, which was a fantastic summit on all things gut. She interviewed dozens of experts in the gut and microbiome community. The summit is an invaluable resource for anyone with gut problems, as well as those interested in how our guts actually work.Though the summit is over, it can still be purchased and is well worth the money to get this invaluable resource. You can get a free recipe book of fermented foods for no charge, so you can start to use ferments. Note that store bought ferments cannot be the same as homemade due to some food laws in many countries, so this is something you'll need to learn to do yourself.Facebook Page - Summer Bock - FermentationistTMYou Tube Channel - FermentationistTM
FREE Guide10 Steps to Healthy Gluten Free EatingThe 10 Step Guide is packed full of tips, tricks, recipes and regular Member only tips to get you started on the road to living healthy without gluten.
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