March 27, 2017 Updated July 10, 2018
If you're an ice cream lover, whether you eat dairy or not, an ice cream maker is an amazing way to liven up your "sweet tooth" but still eat gluten free and Real.
Image by: Cuisinart and Silvia Rita If something tastes great in a bowl with a spoon, it can probably be turned into "ice cream." Ice cream makers usually come with a great little cookbook of recipes, and there will be a version for everyone's diet requirements.
The Honey Sweetened Vanilla Ice Cream and the Stevia Sweetened Vanilla Ice Cream recipes require an ice cream maker, or the knowledge on how to make ice cream without one. These 2 recipes are dairy recipes.
The Berry Ice Cream recipe does not, it only requires a blender. This is a fruit and stevia (or honey) only recipe. This is a super easy recipe!
If you like ice cream to be a bit firmer, make it a couple hours before serving, and let it firm up in the freezer.
Home made ice cream often will get harder when stored in the freezer than commercially prepared ice cream, mostly because there are certain food additives that are not used in homemade ice cream. Now you know why in "the old days" ice cream scoops were ran under hot water (if you're old enough to remember). The warmed scoop melted the ice cream so you could scoop it out. You can do the same thing. Just run the hot water tap and warm up your scoop between scoops.
Have some friends over, and you can serve them the best, freshest ice cream they've ever had!
Let us know in the comments below what your favorite is, so we can all be inspired!
Thora Toft
FREE Guide10 Steps to Healthy Gluten Free EatingThe 10 Step Guide is packed full of tips, tricks, recipes and regular Member only tips to get you started on the road to living healthy without gluten.
Photo by: Silvia Rita
Photo by: Daria Yakovleva
Photo by: Valeria Aksakova
Photo by: Alexandra Gorn
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