Living and Thriving Gluten Free

Healthy & Whole Food Eating

Categories: Leaders    

There are a number of leaders in the field of gluten free that are vital for you to familiarize yourself with. These practitioners, doctors, and researchers have made it a part of their career to share their knowledge with the general public.

4 of the leaders in the Celiac and Gut Health Community
Image by: Thora Toft

This means that you, as someone with some sort of gluten issue now have the ability to become educated. You can start to understand more about your condition, and what you can do about it.

This information will truly allow you to take control of your life, and your wellness, and not feel like you are left at the mercy of a medical system that very well may have let you down at some point.

The information that they share will allow you to start putting the pieces together, so that you can start to get yourself on the path of healing.

The information they share goes far beyond just eating gluten free. You can start to see how small things, that you may not have realized had anything to do with your health can have huge impacts when combined with everything else.

These practitioners are at the cutting edge of gluten and autoimmune research, and are always looking to new advancements, and new connections, that the average Doctor simply doesn't have the desire to keep up on.

Take some time, and watch some of their latest videos, listen to their podcasts, and read their articles and books. They'll teach you at a much deeper level than you'll be able to get from most doctors or public forums.

They also regularly participate in a number of health summits. These summits are absolute treasure troves of knowledge. These summits really put the pieces of what may at first seem like unconnected problems, and ties them together, and gives you real world solutions that you can apply to your life.

Dr. O'Bryan is a world renowned expert on why autoimmune disease happens and what it really is. He has a deep knowledge of how gluten affects the body, and stays up to date on all the research, and most importantly, he's generous in sharing it with the public.
Dr. Izabella Wentz is an internationally acclaimed thyroid specialist. Dr. Wentz is a clinical pharmacist, who was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in 2009. She was quite sick, but had a passion and desire to get well again. She is a #1 New York Times best selling author of Hashimoto's Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back.
Tom Malterre is a Certified Nutritionist with a tremendously deep knowledge of how food and the things that come along with it can have such a deep impact on our health. He developed a book and a program called "The Elimination Diet," that is extremely useful when going gluten free just isn’t enough to recover.
Summer Bock is a Gut Microbiologist and Master Fermentationist on a mission to help you achieve stellar digestion naturally using fermented foods, herbs, and food. She developed a fantastic "Gut Rebuilding Program" that is invaluable for healing a damaged gut.
FREE Guide
10 Steps to Healthy Gluten Free Eating
GF 10 Steps Guide
The 10 Step Guide is packed full of tips, tricks, recipes and regular Member only tips to get you started on the road to living healthy without gluten.
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